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Closets Topics

Building a Closet - Questions & Answers

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Closet?

How Much to Add a Closet to My Bedroom?

Should a Walk-in Closet Door Swing In or Out?

Top answer: The door should swing in.

Home Organizers Topics

Clearing Physical, Mental & Emotional Clutter Reveals Hidden Abundance

So much of the “stuff” people own is connected to an emotion or feeling, good or bad, which prevents them from letting go. What all this stuff is actually doing is hindering growth. This article will explain how to de-clutter your home and your heart so that you can live a happier, healthier, and more abundant life.

Coming Out of the Closet...What Your Wardrobe Should and Should Not Include

Change in seasons is a great excuse to clean out your closets. The process is quick and simple if you follow a few helpful guidelines. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Just follow this list. It's simple!

The Best Way to Organize Your Paperwork

Are you struggling to keep up with the huge amount of paperwork that enters your home on a daily basis? Does it continually get put on a growing stack on your desk or counter? This article will give you simple tips to help organize your paperwork once and for all.

The Easiest & Fastest Way to Keep a “Company-Ready Clean” House

Do you ever find yourself running around your home stuffing items into closets and drawers because people are on their way over and you are less than satisfied with the condition of your home? Here is a simple 4-step plan for you.

The Fast & Easy Way to Setup a Home Filing System

Do you have piles of paperwork in your home that you just don’t know what to do with? This article will help you set up a home filing system that will keep you organized and save you time.

Other Closets Topics

Tips for Affordable and Easy Home Upgrades

Living on a budget is the norm, rather than the exception, in the current economy.

What To Consider When Downsizing

When the time comes to downsize, give yourself time and the mind set to enjoy the process. It is not about removing all the things you love but quite the opposite. This is a great time to leave a legacy.

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